Friday, August 5, 2011

Parent and Community Relations

Student’s parents and families are welcomed, and encouraged to be a part of their child’s school life. Sunnyville School has a “Family Room” for parent and family members who would would like to volunteer or meet in our school. Teachers leave projects they need assistance with in the Family Room for volunteers to work in. This room also contains a small kitchen so volunteers can make popcorn and pretzels for weekly sales, and assist classrooms with cooking projects. PTO meetings are held in this room as well. There is also a computer available for parents to log in to check their child’s progress in class, or to e-mail their child’s teacher. A parenting library is also housed in the “Family Room”. It has books on parenting skills, and other school related issues that family members can check out. We value our families, and want them to be a part of our school!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great idea! So, long before your school had the benefit of your knowledge gained from this class, you were already utilizing the concept of "community" in the school! We built new schools in Washington Court House two years ago, and we have improved facilities in terms of how they are set up. I don't necessarily think we have done all we could've with the space, but I think with interlinked classrooms and buildings, and other technological advances, we'll simulate community well enough.
